Istituto Centrale per il Restauro Agenzia Nazionale per la Protezione Ambientale e i servizi Tecnici
Scuola di specializzazione in Tutela e Valorizzazione dei Beni Storico-Artistici AA. 2001/2002
Indice Lezioni Temi d'esame Questionario Questionario AIC Links
Comunicazione presentata
29th AIC Annual Meeting Dallas, Texas May 30 ~ June 5, 2001
The goal of this study is to increase the efficiency of conservators's use of the Internet to find practical information. I will send a copy of the final paper to anyone who contributes to it by responding to the above questions and provides his or her name and mailing address. Conservators who wish to comment but are concerned about confidentiality should state which details of their responses (including their own names) may not be disclosed in the final paper.
Jean D. Portell 13 Garden Place Brooklyn, NY 11201 718-643-1222
1) use of internet is starting in 1996 to improve my knoledge in the field of the documentation activities overseas and all over the world in the conservation institutes both governamental and private.
2) Yes, very help ful information to understand the application of standard in the CAD documentation. I'was author of some articles on the needness of standard in digital documentation for conservation using a lot of bibliografy based on internet pages (A article is in english and is in the proceedings of the ART 99 seminar on non destructive test in heritage conservation.)
3) Yes. Part of a work carried out with the Getty Conservation Institute Documentation Program was done using the e-mail as medium for the assesment, and the planning phase. In other case a message posted via DistList. In a case of a message posted via DistList for a my student the messages were really useful. In this case I was only a catalyst and onlooker but very pleased of the level of the answer.
4) The confusion is related to the sender and to the adequacy of the question. In a lot of cases i've found a growing of the common knowledge ant the discovery of unexpected aids.
5) More or less daily
6) I'm a documentation specialist expert in the customization of AutoCad menu and in the developing of standards. (if you want I can see bibliography and a short c.v.). My country is Italia (Italy)
7) (...)
Best regards
See:. ! (...)
aggiornato sabato, 08. giugno 2002